
These cores require additional punks.

Corepunk’s class options expand to include the Mercenary, Pain Reaper, and Warmonger

Have you settled on a class to play when Corepunk's beta arrives? You may want to reserve judgment until you read the full reveal...

Lord of the Rings Online informal player survey highlights the least and most popular classes

If you've ever wondered which class is the most popular in Lord of the Rings Online, Squirle over at LOTRO Players has your back....

Magic: Legends unveils the mechanics and design of the Necromancer class

What is a necromancer to you, aside from "a healer who shows up very late to the party"? If you're familiar with Magic: the...
You put the gun on the robot and make it do a shoot.

Perpetuum’s community-run servers introduce the game’s newest robot class, the Destroyer

It's been more than two years since the Perpetuum community took over the operation of the science fiction game, and in that time the...
True strength is inside. But leveling should really help.

WoW Factor: Examining Shadowlands’ Shaman, Monk, and Druid ability changes

So, here's something you might find funny: My greatest struggle with this particular ongoing World of Warcraft column was deciding the best possible order...

Magic Legends details the design of the Beastcaller

Contrary to what the name might imply, the Beastcaller in Magic Legends does not sit around with a corded phone in hand talking with various...

Black Desert prepares to shoot the Archer onto the PlayStation 4 on March 4

The Archer! A dramatic opponent stepping out of the shadows in Black Desert! Or remaining in the shadows; it doesn't actually matter, the whole point...

The Daily Grind: Do you like standard MMO classes or abnormal ones?

Any time I hear about a new MMO or jump into an existing one, the first thing that I look at is its class...
I didn't say zorp.

Magic: Legends starts showing off with two classes and two worlds

All right, you've seen some more footage, you've got some idea of how the game is going to be... now, if you're done with...

Blade & Soul previews Will of Iron’s new Destroyer spec, teases Korean UE4 graphics overhaul

The update arriving for Blade & Soul on December 11th includes a third spec for the Destroyer, the Way of the Iron Will, and it's...

Fallout 1st subscribers have formed a clan of aristocrats to perpetrate Fallout 76 class warfare

Whether the reports of Fallout 1st players being harassed in Fallout 76 are highly fabricated or not, a large cluster of Fallout 1st subscribers...

Bethesda says Fallout 76 scrapbox bug is a ‘top priority’ as ‘class warfare’ griefing claims surface

Ah, Fallout 76. Fans went from eagerness for "Country Roads" to using that same song as a backdrop for a year in review video...

SWTOR’s Powertechs and Vanguards get lethal new toys

The parade of Star Wars: The Old Republic class changes marches on, with BioWare thrusting the Powertech and Vanguard advanced roles into the spotlight...

City of Heroes Homecoming players have rolled almost a million toons to date

I've always said that if I could do one thing in video games - you know, besides what I already love and do -...
Test me.

Phantasy Star Online 2 is getting a new mecha-themed class in Japan

Now that Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to North America (really, they mean it this time, until they don't), it feels a little...

Aion spins out Mark of the Vandal on August 21 with a new class, zone, and dungeon for the US version

Over there, in Aion! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... actually, it's the Vandal, the new class being added with the appropriately dubbed...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most creative class in all of the MMO genre?

I have long held that Wakfu offers the most original and indeed truly unique classes across the entire span of the MMO genre, but...

Desert Oasis: Taking a swing with Black Desert’s Tamer and her bō staff

When I first started playing Black Desert, it was because I wanted to play a Dark Knight. From her animations, armors, and that sweet...
Why fix issues when we could double down?

The Lahn arrives in Black Desert Mobile’s Korean edition

The mobile version of Black Desert Online, appropriately dubbed Black Desert Mobile so you know exactly what you're getting, is not quite up to...
Well, we've got an idea.

Into the Super-verse: A quick-and-dirty guide to picking the right City of Heroes archetype – Blueside edition

What's amazing about the unexpected City of Heroes revival (and does that ever feel good to type) isn't just that old players are eager to go...