Official Site: Diablo II
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Activision-Blizzard Q2 2022: More revenue dips for WoW, ABK, and Blizzard in spite of Diablo Immortal
Welcome back to our regular coverage of Activision-Blizzard's quarterly financials. As of this afternoon, we have Q2's results, comprising April, May, and June 2022; let's...
Massively Overthinking: Are MMO gamers just frogs in a boiling cookpot?
Longtime MOP reader Miol recently wrote us a long email inspired by a non-MMO stream he'd been watching during which the streamer went off...
Destiny 2 celebrates summer as Bungie addresses healthcare, racial justice, and its acquisition by Sony
We're deep into the summertime here in the northern hemisphere, and Destiny 2 is preparing to mark the season by bringing back its Solstice...
This year’s Bungie Day celebrates the playerbase of Destiny 2 with cosplay spotlights and emblems
Last year's Bungie Day was about the Destiny 2 developer celebrating 30 years of making games. This year's Bungie Day is a lot more...
Diablo II Resurrected releases its multiplayer lobby update as an ARPG guide site drops Diablo Immortal
Earlier this week, Diablo II: Resurrected announced an update meant to "elevate multiplayer lobbies for console and PC." That update has arrived on schedule,...
Diablo 2 Resurrected overhauls multiplayer lobbies and game search in tomorrow’s update
Blizzard is ready to inject some fresh spice into Diablo II: Resurrected, and thankfully, it's not of the Diablo Immortal variety.
"In Patch 2.4.3., which...
Global Chat: Playing TERA before the final bow
"Who in their right mind starts playing a 'dead' game?" asks Virtual Bastion's Cary -- right before Cary jumped into TERA just days before...
Bungie talks up the return of Freelance Trials of Osiris to Destiny 2 as it sues a DMCA troll for $7.6M
For those who want to take on the Trials of Osiris PvP mode in Destiny 2 but don't really feel like forming a group,...
Diablo Immortal snagged only 10M players out of its 30M registrations
Blizzard dropped an infographic last night for Diablo Immortal showing... well, some numbers, though probably not the numbers you're most interested in. Most notably,...
Destiny 2 tentatively scores $13.5M in settlement with makers of cheat software
Bungie has seen yet another court case it leveraged against the makers of some cheat software for Destiny 2 wrap up. The studio brought...
Diablo IV goes gaga for the Necromancer in its quarterly update
Have you heard the word on the dark, grimy streets of Tristram? Apparently the Necromancer is the latest (and final one for launch) class...
Destiny 2 deep-dives adjustments to airborne accuracy and heralds the return of Trials of Osiris
Are you the type of Destiny 2 player who likes to take to the skies and rain down fire upon your foes? Then you...
Perfect Ten: 10 things you can spend money on instead of Diablo Immortal
So how about that Diablo Immortal eh? Sure is a lot of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" surrounding its release, huh? But hey, it's for a...
WoW Classic to retire 21 servers while Diablo II improves its lobby
It's common knowledge these days that the population of Burning Crusade Classic has dipped significantly from the initial boom of launch, a fact that...
Not So Massively: First impressions of Diablo Immortal on PC
There was a time when the release of a new Diablo game might have been a big deal for me. But I've never been...
Amazon Games will publish Disruptive’s upcoming AAA online multiplayer action-adventure game
Amazon Games just announced that it's expanding its purview once again, taking on a publishing deal with indie studio Disruptive Games. Disruptive is best...
Destiny 2 runs down all of the content features and this week’s new dungeon in the Season of the Haunted
If a girthy set of patch notes for the latest season in Destiny 2 is a bit too hyper-detailed for you, then you might...
Destiny 2 changes weapons, armor, activities, and Solar archetypes in the Season of the Haunted update
Over the past several weeks, Destiny 2 has been talking up the various changes coming to the shooter with the start of its next...
Destiny 2 outlines changes to its upcoming summer event and fixes the so-called ‘Xur hostage exploit’
The Guardian Games are coming to an end in Destiny 2, but that just paves the way for the looter shooter's next event, which...
Destiny 2 kicks off the Guardian Games and answers weapon questions as the FTC investigates Sony’s buyout of Bungie
Let the games begin! The Guardian Games, that is, as the Olympic-like competition among the three classes of Destiny 2 kicked off last week....