
FFA PvP MMO Profane claims its world has ‘its backbone in place’ but needs more depth of content

How are things going for the continued testing of the FFA PvP MMO Profane? Pretty well according to developer Insane Studio, though by its...
Hello Paul. Hello Art.

PvP sandbox MMO Profane says testing is ‘almost ready’ while showcasing several development updates

It's been quite some time since we peered in on the development of Profane, the PvP sandbox MMO from Insane Studios. Readers might recall...

Profane discusses changes to its closed test build, confirms a playable demo for the Brazil Game Show

The FFA PvP sandbox Profane continues adjusting itself based on feedback, particularly suggestions from players harvested during a recent community playtest. Developer Instane Studio...

Profane’s August roadmap update heralds a focus on polishing existing features

Sure, adding new stuff to a developing game like Profane isn't necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes you need to circle back to the...

Profane adds armor textures, previews PvP, and shares its latest end-of-month roadmap

We are once more scraping together Profane's development reports, which continue to come via tweet storm, and we start things off with the end...

Profane shares a brief video demonstration of its most recent build in action

The FFA PvP sandbox title Profane has no shortage of progress reports to offer its Twitter followers as we've reported on plenty of times...

Profane offers a look at new structures, a territory owning altar, and dev roadmap updates

Insane Studio has heralded Profane as an MMO about domination, territory holding, and PvP, but many of the previews out of the game have...

Profane discusses ambient sound, VFX work, guild features, and map generation

With the month of December coming to a close, it's about time for us to look through Profane's social media, where most of its...

Profane devs discuss dummies, elements, houses, maps, and alpha roadmap progress

Followers of the FFA PvP sandbox Profane have had plenty of infodumps to chew on and mull over this past summer - if they're...

Profane casts spotlights on character skins and volumetric clouds

The FFA PvP sandbox MMO Profane is once again pouring out fresh new Twitter threads for followers of the project, this time casting another...

MMO Profane teases cosmetics, housing, and crafting in latest braindump

FFA PvP MMO Profane continues its refusal to create forum threads or blog posts about its development progress, choosing instead to dish out Twitter...

Profane summarizes July’s development progress and seeks a name for a crab

As the month of August arrives to the calendar, the devs of Profane are looking back at July's progress with another new roadmap roundup....

Profane offers a first look at gatherable items and gathering gameplay plans

Gathering. It's a touchstone of the MMORPG gameplay loop and is especially important in a sandbox title like Profane, which has shared some preview...

Indie MMO Profane discusses the importance of ships and island exploration

The developers of the PvP survivalbox Profane are back with yet another Twitter thread about the game's systems, this time talking about ships, island...

Profane says crafting gear is all about equipping players what they need ‘for the specific objective’

As we reported back in May, upcoming PvP MMO sandbox Profane is spending its summer months tanning -- and focusing on beefing up its...

Profane’s development roadmap moves into a crafting and building focused ‘phase 3’

While Profane is all about that PvP, it's not going to completely forego some of the more pastoral parts of sandbox MMO life. This...

Profane is seeking testers for its ‘first basic combat test’

Did you know that Profane has a Discord? There's a Discord for Profane. You should join it. The Discord. The one for Profane. The...

Profane’s latest reveal zeroes in on a new tameable mount

Who's that Pokemon? It's not, it's Profane's latest creature feature, the Alyacaw, a new critter that will be in the game and the subject...

Profane showcases new customization options and releases an updated roadmap

What will your character look like in the PvP sandbox of Profane? According to one of the game's latest Twitter threads, you're going to...

Profane is looking to create a whale with harvestable resources on its body

The picture you see above is a piece of concept artwork for a very large whale that will be found in the waters of...