southeast asia

Nexon Q4 2024: MapleStory and MapleStory Worlds offset FC and The First Descendant’s shortfalls

Ladies and gentlebeings, I give you the latest contender for Mystery Chart of 2025! It's Nexon's growth chart for Q4 2024, which seems to...

The MOP Up: Fae Farm launches on PlayStation, Xbox, and Windows Store

The magical co-op realm of Fae Farm expanded to even more platforms this past week: "Phoenix Labs today celebrated the release of Fae Farm...

MU Online is getting another game in its lineup called MU Monarch SEA

Who wanted another MU Online game? If you're sitting on your hands, then perhaps you're not being paid attention to by Webzen, or perhaps...

NCsoft’s battle royale brawler Battle Crush enters open beta on PC and Android until October 30

Back in March, we received word of NCsoft's latest game Battle Crush, a self-described "action battle brawler" that otherwise plays out like any battle...

War Thunder’s Sons of Attila update is live with new Hungarian vehicles and Southeast Asia-inspired map

Hungarian wargaming fans are in for a treat as War Thunder has launched Sons of Attila with its themed vehicles and aircraft. "Gaijin Entertainment announces...

Tower of Fantasy merges dozens of servers all over the world today

The anime-inspired Tower of Fantasy is cinching its belt and scooping all of its players into the same place with a massive round of...

The MOP Up: Hearthstone welcomes the Year of the Wolf

The Year of the Wolf is coming to Hearthstone: "Throughout the Year of the Wolf, we’ll be focusing our efforts on making Hearthstone and...

Diablo III welcomes Season 28 while Diablo Immortal goes fishin’

Resolutely ignoring the looming presence of Diablo IV on the horizon, the other Diablo titles are keeping pretty busy these days. In fact, Diablo...

Diablo Immortal’s patch tomorrow morning adds fishing, merges more servers

Whether you're a whale or a little baby fishie, Blizzard is hoping to reel you in with the latest Diablo Immortal update, which -...

Diablo Immortal prepares to merge servers and welcome its Perils of the Fen event

Blizzard announced a third round of server merges for Diablo Immortal, this time focusing on East and Southeast Asia regions to help player populations...

Tower of Fantasy previews player-built ‘artificial island’ system, bans thousands of cheaters

Level Infinite and Hotta Studio aren't letting mobile-and-PC MMO Tower of Fantasy rest on its laurels: It's already gunning for the game's first big...

The MOP Up: Trove’s Sunrise update arrives on consoles

Trove's new Solarian class is finally available to play on Xbox, Switch and PlayStation, as the Sunrise update landed on those consoles this past...
This is a metroid

The MOP Up: The Bandai Namco hack

It was a pretty bad week, all things considered, for the folks over at Bandai Namco. The gaming publisher confirmed that it got hacked...

The MOP Up: Elder Scrolls Online answers High Isle lore queries

The release of Elder Scrolls Online's High Isle this month brought a whole lot of additional story and lore into the game -- and...

Flyff Universe reboots with improved graphics and cross-platform play

Flyff is back -- and it's better than ever. Gala Lab announced this week that the 2005 MMORPG has relaunched globally as Flyff Universe....

Diablo Immortal launches on mobile and PC today with hellacious microtransactions

The newest entry in Blizzard's long-running Diablo series was couched in controversy literally from the first minutes that it was announced. Now, with Diablo...

Elyon will make its way to the SEA region with Playpark as its steward

Do you live in the Southeast Asia region of the globe and have a hankering to play Elyon? You'd probably find yourself in rare...

Belgium and Netherlands reject Diablo Immortal over lockbox gambling concerns

This week's "global launch" of Diablo Immortal already wasn't going to be that global considering that several southeast Asia countries will have to wait...

The MOP Up: MU Origin 3 ‘launches’ into open beta

The latest chapter of the MU saga is here, as MU Origin 3 launched its open beta this past week. Players can now check...

Flyff Universe can now be accessed via a browser, plans to introduce a separate pay-to-earn version

Last month we reported on a new version of the classic MMORPG Flyff known as Flyff Universe, which would make the game cross-platform across...