In one respect, Diablo III is fairly littered with powerful treasures. That’s the core of its gameplay. You are assaulted by a rain of powerful treasures from the heavens that you then equip and use to kill more powerful foes, who drop still more powerful treasures. But the sort of mystical artifact found deep within the Ruins of Sescheron that players will be able to explore in patch 2.3… that’s a different sort of powerful treasure. That’s something that has story importance right there.
Yes, the game’s next patch is offering a new zone to players that which serves as a trip down memory lane into the ruins of the once-proud home of the barbarians. Of course, there are plenty of powerful artifacts with non-narrative importance to be found in the hands (and claws and such) of the beasts residing in the ruins, so that’s a bit of added motivation. Check out the preview trailer just below; you can try out the patch on the game’s test server now.