Chewing your way through hordes of demons in Diablo III is going to get a little bit harder in the game’s next patch. Not because you’re losing your existing demon-horde-clearing options, no, but because new difficulty levels have been added above Torment X. With patch 2.4.2 you can dive into Torment XI through Torment XIII, filled with more demons and even better loot in an ever-expanding ceiling.
Patch 2.4.2 also features a number of item changes and improvements to the rewards of Adventure Mode, complete with higher drop rates for Infernal Machines. If this makes you want to show off how well your latest demon-slaughtering session is going, you’ll also benefit from the option to hide your UI so you can more clearly take a picture of all the monsters you demolished. Sure, it’s not a huge content update, but there’s still plenty to do with the patch.