PAX West 2016: The Elder Scrolls Online’s One Tamriel is live on the PTS


During the Elder Scrolls Online panel this afternoon at PAX West, ZeniMax developers fielded a number of questions from the audience centering on what players can expect from One Tamriel when it launches. Of note, they’ve teased teleport checkpoints for all dungeons and trials, along with complete veteran and normal modeszone- and dungeon-specific item sets – 30 of them; and holiday festival events (!) including a Halloweeny one. Intriguingly, smaller-scale battleground style PvP is also on the way (this one courtesy of our source on the ground).

Meanwhile, update 12 — including One Tamriel — is now live on the PTS, complete with patch notes.

“This update opens up the world of Tamriel for you to explore any time, and play with your friends no matter what level you are. Due to the significant changes One Tamriel brings to ESO, we’ve adjusted much of the current content and systems. In this update, you’ll find that we’ve made Craglorn more solo-friendly, added Normal and Veteran modes for all 4-player dungeons, re-designed the Undaunted Pledge system, added new world bosses, and made some fairly sizeable itemization changes and updates – you’ll definitely want to check out all the details below. In addition to One Tamriel, we’ve also added dueling, Weapon Ultimates, and added new daily quests. We’ve also added 16 new Monster Masks, and raised the Champion Point cap by 30 points. As with previous updates, we’ve also implemented many fixes and improvements to previous DLC game packs and the base game patch. Please note that the recently-announced Crown Crates will be available to test in a future PTS incremental patch.”

Housing fans, take note that while it’s not in this patch, preparations are being made all the same; a number of buildings and rooms across the world are now locked pending “renovations.”

Source: Twitch, Twitter. With thanks to Tess for the in-person report!
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