It’s time for a new sort of death to take to the fight with the latest Skyforge update. The Revenant is a class that brings death, downright revels in it, and stands apart from good and evil as a testament to simply bringing death to all around it. That’s why a Revenant is supposed to wear lots of bones and stuff, see. Because death is scary.
Whether or not the addition of the Revenant counts as an expansion is left as an exercise for the reader, although the staff behind the game seems to feel it is. It’s live today regardless, so there’s no need to quibble over words, is there?
Any jokes about how the Revenant looks like a rejected mascot for a heavy metal album can be supplanted by admiring the life-draining mechanics and abilities of the class, which you can check out in the trailer just below. It’s another option for players in the ever-expanding class lineup for the game, so get ready to start dealing out new sorts of death today and drain the very life of those around you.