It’s time to move along the story of Overwatch in the game itself, which apparently means playing events that took place many years ago. “Forward” is a relative concept. “Blackwatch,” however, is a rather firm concept referring to the strike team formed by Reyes, Genji, McCree, and Moira raiding a Talon facility in the new Retribution mission. You can play with the set grouping of characters or take part in the “All Heroes” mode, which is pretty clearly non-canonical but does allow you to send D. Va against terrorists when she should be, like, four.
You can also take part in the classic Kings Row Uprising event once more and pick up all the associated lockbox skins from that event, as well as several new skins, emotes, and intros. Check out the trailer just below for a slice of the flavor, or just patch up and hop into the game so that you can accomplish your goals before the event goes away on April 30th.