Whatever new expansion goodwill World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth had held is now gone, and YouTuber Asmongold opines that he’s never seen the feedback across all the possible venues for the game’s community be so uniformly negative. So what’s the problem? What’s going so wrong? There’s a lot to examine, but the core thesis (and the best takeaway in the video) is that the game has effectively traded the satisfaction of accomplishment for excitement. Through random drops, random upgrades to drops, and the lack of any progression with items and levels, you feel as if your real rewards are all subject to a pull of the slot machine.
Of course, the full half-hour video below covers more topics than that, and it also includes some opinions that are sure to raise hackles (his feeling that one of the flaws here is that there’s nothing to distinguish Mythic raiders from people who don’t raid and implying that non-raiders “aren’t even playing the game”) or just baffle (the suggestion of a new official forum for only good feedback), but there’s also genuinely good points within. It’s spawned an enormous and still-running Reddit thread that’s worth reading, as well. While you may disagree with some points or suggestions, the thesis is worth examination.