November is drawing to a close, and as we usher in a new month, Destiny 2 will be welcoming the Season of the Forge, the first of three planned seasons spanning from December 2019 to August 2020, each of which will bring an array of new content, events, and more to Bungie’s online sci-fi shooter. December itself is going to be a huge month for Guardians everywhere, as the Season of the Forge, which lasts from December ’til February, will be introducing the major Black Armory content update for Annual Pass holders.
The Black Armory will unlock its presumably heavily fortified doors on December 4th, when players will “be sent on a series of quests to rediscover, reactivate, and reclaim four lost forges — and the weapons they offer as reward.” The first of these, the Volundr Forge, will open with the Black Armory’s release on December 4th, followed shortly thereafter by the Gofannon Forge and the new, as-yet-unnamed raid on December 7th. Guardians will have a bit of a respite to enjoy the holiday cheer of The Dawning event, starting December 11th, before the release of the Izanami Forge on December 18th and the Niobe Labs on January 8th.
Those are only the highlights of what Bungie has planned for the Season of the Forge, but if you want to take a look at all the content and events the studio has planned for the coming months, you can find a full roadmap covering the Season of the Forge, the subsequent Season of the Drifter, and the final Season of the [REDACTED] over on the game’s official site. And if that’s not enough for you, the devs have also released a ViDoc detailing what awaits Guardians on the road ahead, which you can find just below.