It’d be nice to say that nothing in beta can stay there, but that would be a lie. There are lots of games that stay in beta basically forever. But Anthem is not one of them, as today marks its proper launch date and means that everyone gets to do the fly-and-shoot-in-a-robot-suit dance. First impressions will be shared later, as you do.
Other beta news? Not quite as noteworthy as a major launch, perhaps, but there’s news!
- Where Prosperous Universe operates, it doesn’t need roads. It does, however, have a roadmap, and that roadmap is being adjusted. In this case “roadmap” might be best understood to be a metaphor.
- OrbusVR has launched into its fourth beta weekend!
- Meanwhile, Gloria Victis does not have a preponderance or roads but can certainly use them. That having been said, it does have newly movable catapults and a streamlined crafting system.
- Have things been streamlined in Aftercharge? You can find that out for yourself as the game hosts a free weekend for everyone. You know, if you need a different mechanical shooty option for the next few days.
- Those of you who prefer shooty options with less robots or robot suits will be happy to learn that The Division 2 has plenty of things for you to do in its endgame (read: things to shoot and places to shoot them). That’s coming out in just a week, too.
- And last but not least, we don’t know when Bless Unleashed is releasing at this point, but it’s still planned for this year. Please look forward to – wait, wrong game.
Now, let’s all gather around the fire and enjoy a hearty meal of betas in list format. If anything on there should not be on the list, let us know down in the comments.
As always, we consider an MMO to be in open testing if it features free, public signups and will server wipe prior to launch. An MMO is marked in closed testing if it’s running a private test phase that cannot freely be accessed by the general public; it’s usually under NDA as well. Early access and crowdfunded MMOs whose tests we deem legitimate will be included. So-called “open beta” soft-launch MMOs with cash shops, no sign of launch in the west, or limited interest for our readers will not be listed; we also do not list expansions, with occasional exceptions.
AdventureQuest 3D: Open beta
Arcfall: Pre-alpha
Ashes of Creation: Alpha one; battle royale spinoff holding test weekends
Camelot Unchained: Closed beta (one)
Children of Ur: Open alpha
Citadel: Forged with Fire: Early access
Crowfall: Backer pre-alpha
Cube World: Closed alpha
Dauntless: Open beta
Dark and Light: Early access
DayZ: Early access
Divergence Online: Alpha
Division 2: Open beta on March 1st
Dual Universe: Alpha
ECO: Early access
Edengrad: Early access
Eleven: Closed alpha
Ever, Jane: Open beta
Kurtzpel: Closed beta
Gloria Victis: Early access on Steam
Global Adventures: Closed beta
Legends of Aria: Early access
Life is Feudal: Early access
Line of Defense: Early access, removed from Steam
Occupy White Walls: Early access
OrbusVR: Early access beta
Osiris: New Dawn: Early access
Pantheon: Backer pre-alpha
Pathfinder Online: Subscription “early enrollment”
PixARK: Early access
Project Genom: Closed alpha, servers offline for restructuring with SpatialOS
Project Gorgon: Early access beta
Prosperous Universe: Early access
Rend: Early access
SamuTale: Closed alpha
Ship of Heroes: Pre-alpha
Star Citizen: Backer alpha
Starmourn: Open beta
The Black Death: Early access alpha
The Cycle: Alpha
The Repopulation: Early access alpha
Torchlight Frontiers: Closed alpha
Valiance Online: Alpha
Wild Terra: Steam early access
Worlds Adrift: Early access