Gonna be honest, when MJ linked this Kickstarter to me, I actually went straight to the April Fools’ Day roundup and added it. I was that sure it was a joke. But… it’s not. The folks behind AdventureQuest 3D are really, truly building out an 8-bit NES game version of AQ3D called Dungeons & DoomKnights. It’s boasting 500 maps, single-player adventures, bosses, puzzles, and no pay-to-win.
“AdventureQuest 8-Bit: Dungeons & DoomKnights is a new ‘zeldavania’ game for your NES (or play the ROM on other platforms with an emulator),” Artix Entertainment writes. “Want to play it the way it was meant to be played? Experience Dungeons & DoomKnights on a real physical cartridge for the original NES console.” Or you can just get the digital pack to run it on an emulator for your PC.
“We launched this on April 1st, April Fools Day, but this is no joke! We are running this Kickstarter campaign in order to raise funds for cartridge, box and manual production. Our friendly (and a little crazy) video game studio, Artix Entertainment, has been creating games and fun experiences through our weekly game updates for over 16 years. Backing this Kickstarter will also unlock exclusive in-game items for you in two of our online games: AdventureQuest 3D & AdventureQuest Worlds.”
Worth noting here is that AQ3D is tremendously popular across a slightly younger subset of the MMO audience than the EverQuest crowd; not only did the game’s original Kickstarter and all of its stretch goals fund easily, but last year the community funded game plushies in less than two hours. Bam.