A few months ago on Reddit, a player popped up with a neat question about MMO endgames. Essentially, Redditor TooEarlyForMe wanted to participate in a grouping or raiding endgame typical of themeparks, but he wanted to be able to do it in low-stress pick-up groups rather than premades. In World of Warcraft, for example, pugging is definitely a thing, but even pugs are seldom low-key, and most of the things you can do in a pug aren’t super meaningful, so it just wasn’t doing it for him.
“I’m basically just looking for an MMO where you can do group content without a bunch of social pressure. As it is now, I feel like I spend 30 minutes of begging/LFG-ing to do a 20-minute mythic dungeon.”
I’d rather like to know the answer to this myself because my current MMOs make it pretty hard to do larger-scale content without being in a tricked-out guild. What’s the best MMORPG endgame for people who like to PUG in a low-stress but still meaningful environment?