Depending on your personal experiences with Path of Exile, the newest patch either adds a largely irrelevant bit of graphical change or will finally provide some sweet, sweet relief from that eye-bleeding syndrome that seems to be everywhere there’s bright colors and flashes of random light. Yes, the game’s designers have pushed a patch that reduces the overall use of bloom in the game. Some things have had bloom de-coupled from existing effects, and bloom intensity can now be controlled by a separate slider within the game’s configuration options. At long last, your bloom-filled nightmare is over, and all joking aside we’re well aware that PoE went a bit overboard with the bloom, as we discussed on that podcast earlier this summer, so we’re sure players actually are happy that Grinding Gear is finally doing something about it.
Beyond the bloom, the patch is mostly concerned with fixing bugs, as it is a minor patch that addresses errors like rendering black boxes on objects where they weren’t supposed to be or NPCs not spawning correctly. But the centerpiece of the update is bloom. It’s an entire county of bloom. And if you want to turn all of your bloom way the heck up out of spite, well, we’re not going to stop you.