Just a day or two ago I was chatting with an MOP commenter about how PlanetSide 2 really took off this year, getting more love than almost any other Daybreak property with the possible exception of DCUO. I love being proven right: Today, Daybreak’s Rogue Planet substudio announced The Shattered Warpgate, a brand-new content wave coming to the game “soon.”
“This massive game update permanently evolves the war-torn battlescapes of PlanetSide 2 through new open-world storytelling experiences called Campaigns, each designed to deliver multi-staged environmental and gameplay changes as players participate in new missions and experience the story unfold. […] In the first campaign, players will return to the frigid tundras of Esamir to explore and battle across the newly devastation-wrought land. Players will be forced to adapt to this harsh new landscape over multiple chapters, as they progress through the story of a catastrophic technological event sparked by the detonation of one of the continent’s Warpgates.”
Daybreak is promising more info on its livestream at 2 p.m. EDT tomorrowday.