In a year of many game and project delays, one more isn’t surprising — even though it isn’t welcome to hear. So bad news, Dungeons and Dragons Online players: You’re not getting that level cap increase that Standing Stone Games promised earlier this year. At least, you’re not getting it right now.
Pointing to the “global crisis,” the studio said that it is delaying the level cap bump until next year: “Both the level cap increase and the epic destiny revamp are no longer planned to be released in conjunction with the Feywild expansion. Instead, these features are tentatively planned to be completed in 2021 (subject to change). We understand if some are disappointed, we are as well, but we hope you understand the need to get changes of this type right and not rush them out the door.”
The silver lining here is that the studio did mull over a “big cool system” to replace that missing feature, and this brainstorming ended up becoming an augment revamp. “There will be some new exciting and unique augments present to be found in the Feywild as well as some changes to the underlying system of augments as a whole,” SSG said.
Source: DDO. Thanks DDOCentral!