With over 69 million player characters and 39 major content updates, DC Universe Online is a monster of a hit for Daybreak Games as it celebrates its 10th anniversary this month. CEO Jack Emmert praised what the game offers in a new video, saying, “There’s simply no other experience like that.”
After some back-patting and reminiscing of the game, including its most difficult update (Atlantis, of which Emmert said the team “bit off more than it could chew”), the studio’s lead gave some indication of where DCUO is heading in the future. Emmert indicated that Daybreak would continue to try to tie in the game’s updates to the major DC films that are scheduled for 2021. Additionally, DCUO will focus on individual storylines that will build up to a “big climax” by the end of the year.
The game’s anniversary kicked off this past week with a new event raid and discounted shop items. There are also free anniversary gifts for any players who log in by January 31st.
Source: DCUO. Thanks Yrys!