Hearken ye, people, to a tale of Albion Online and the quest to deliver a most powerful artifact unto those who might make use of it! Forsooth, the development team did journey far and wide, o’er hill and dale, questing for this most sanctified of all relics. Asked for by many, the people cried out for its succor, but only now can its power be prepared for use by the people. Yes, after so much waiting, at long last… the game’s next major patch, on February 2nd, delivers the Use All button to players!
There’s probably a couple of other things in the patch, too. We guess. Like, maybe there are some updated Avalonian spells and optimizations for mobile and combat balance tweaks. Maybe. Frankly, it’s the Use All button that’s the main feature, and that feature is so main that it even gets its own trailer. Can you ever think of a button thus honored? We sure can’t.