- The expansion is called Endwalker, and it’s launching this fall.
- Expect two new jobs: a healer and a melee DPS.
- The healer is Sage, a barrier-type healer that heals and protects with barriers, using aether to manipulate the nouliths. Starts at level at 70, no class. Square says that starting in 6.0, there will be a clearer distinction between “pure” healers and “barrier” healers.
- The melee DPS job will be revealed at the fan festival in May.
- Endwalker’s story will end at the conclusion of 6.0, rather than in 6.3. This does not mean FFXIV itself is ending or going away, just that 6.1 will start a totally new story.
- We’re going to the moon to uncover the secret of the Final Days.
- Naoki Yoshida assures everyone he’s not going anywhere or leaving the project.
- Expect a level cap bump to 90 with massive new areas, including Radz-at-Han, Thavnair, and Garlemald, Capital of the Garlean empire. Square isn’t talking about the larger capital yet.
- A new beast tribe is en route: the Matanga, elephant people.
- Expect new dungeons too, as well as the new Pandaemonium 8-player raid and a new Alliance raid.
- The Trust system will see an update, adding a new Trust person, Estinien, and new types of activities for Trusts too.
- Ishgard housing confirmed! The area will open to look from 6.0, but the land itself won’t be open to purchase until 6.1.
- Data Center travel is on the table too, with a lot of restrictions, even more than the world visit, but it will let you party up with friends on other data centers.
- The next fan festival (digital) will be May 15th and 16th.
- Finally, the game is coming to PS5, with an open beta starting April 13th, the same day as the next patch. Expect a free PS5 upgrade for PS4 players, 4k resolution support, faster load times, and improved frame rate.
Source: Event announcement