There’s a new cinematic that’s been discovered for World of Warcraft’s upcoming patch 9.1, Chains of Domination. It’s a spoiler. That much you can probably guess just from context. But what is contained within that’s so spoilerific? Well, telling you that would just be more of a spoiler. Suffice it to say, though, that if you absolutely hate times when it turns out that all of the old villains were secretly working for the new villain who had never been previously introduced… you’re not going to be really pleased with this one. Sorry.
Of course, there’s more stuff that hasn’t yet been spoiled and can’t yet be spoiled. Dataminers have found over seven minutes’ worth of encrypted cutscenes in the most recent build, meaning that there’s a fair chunk of story that no one has any idea what it will entail just yet. The cinematics will likely be mined out within moments of the actual launch on June 29th, but until then you’ll just have to wait and speculate.