“Let’s start by announcing that our next game update is going to be called Toil and Trouble, and it will be available on August 10th, 2021! We plan to dive deeper into the content that’s coming in a post scheduled for a later date so keep an eye out for that to land soon. In the meantime, know that no matter what your playstyle is: whether you like to tradeskill all day, run around and complete quests, or raid with your guildmates, there is something for everyone!”
Chan further roadmaps events for the next few months, including a double loot event starting August 10th, Fortress of Drunder dungeon unlocks on August 25th, the Panda Panda Panda event in the fall (yes it’s called that now), and a tease for what we can only assume is the late-year expansion. It’s got dinosaurs, she says, and also apparently centaurs? “You’ll soon be the Centaur of attention,” Chan signs off.
Meanwhile, over in Classic EverQuest, Daybreak kicks off Whizzlebang Twempt’s living legacy raids event today.