Do you feel like celebrating right now in World of Warcraft? No, not so much? Can’t imagine why. Let’s try a different question: Do you feel like drinking until you can convince yourself to celebrate right now in World of Warcraft? Because that coincides nicely with the fact that Brewfest is back for players to while away the hours drinking and staggering around. You could theoretically take part in other activities, too, but if you imbibe enough, those will become relatively more difficult.
Of course, there are incentives for taking part in the festivities beyond just drinking until you forget your birthday, like pets, mounts, and transmog items for appropriate Brewfest style. The retail version has undergone some changes from back in 2019, but the Classic servers are hosting a recreation of the original holiday, so you can enjoy all of the Dark Iron raids from the original as you might like. Either way, it’s drinking o’clock in Azeroth for a while.
Also, the Arena World Championships are wrapping up on Saturday.