A while back, I saw a thread on Reddit about how most MMO players pick humans, and questions like this always startle me because I remember when it wasn’t a given. For example, when EverQuest launched, it was freakin’ elves all the way down. OK, probably not really, but I distinctly remember that humans, especially for some popular classes, were relatively uncommon compared to their wood elf, high elf, dark elf, and half elf counterparts. Later MMOs changed that; there were certainly more humans than other species in Star Wars Galaxies, and if you wanted to really stand out, you played literally anything else. (Which is probably why I ended up with a zillion Ithorians.)
It seems like World of Warcraft is probably a counter-example here too; I did a bit of googling around, and it looks as if Blood Elves far outstrip anything else in that game, with Night Elves and Humans trailing well behind.
Do you play humans or non-humans in most MMOs? What’s your reasoning?