Neverwinter discusses bringing the Tyranny of Dragons campaign into a new Epic Adventure


Players in Neverwinter love some dragons. Don’t you love dragons? It’s kind of a thing to do in a game based on Dungeons & Dragons, after all; go into dungeons, fight some dragons. And since the Tyranny of Dragons campaign is all about dragons, you can see why the designers would want to convert that campaign to the newer Epic Adventure format for more players to experience it. All good and logical, but it turns out the team didn’t stop with a straight conversion and is working to improve the experience all around.

Quest bugs have been fixed, encounters have been changed to a minor rank to be something you can take on with two to three players, and the Cult of the Dragon cultists have gotten some ambient jobs to take care of. The rewards for clearing objectives have also been updated to ensure that rewards beyond Scrolls of Protection from Dragons are no longer the biggest thing you get out of the content (but don’t worry, you can still get those). Check out the full preview for a rundown of the changes and head down to the Hall of Justice if all this puts you in a dragon-slaying mood.

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