Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever been playing Shroud of the Avatar and found yourself with an inventory downright overflowing in fetid fish types with no way to process them, forced to fumble through slippery floppy fish as you try to find a quest item? Have you found yourself falling to your knees and screaming, “There’s got to be a better way!” at that moment? Good news, the latest patch adds the ability to process those fetid fish, so now you can fumble through processed fish bits! This is, technically, a better way.
The patch also changes some elements of the Blood River scene, adds tattoo and hair color options to character creation, and added a recipe for Altar Lockboxes. It’s a pretty small patch all things considered, but we can only imagine that Chris Spears working with Richard Garriott on the latter’s new blockchain-based “game” is probably impacting his ability to do much with the game he wound up being the sole developer on. So, you know, process your fish and remember how this one turned out before throwing money at something more transparently scammy.