Gloria Victis is on track for a formal release, according to new missives from Black Eye Games today.
“Over the years of hard work since the development of Gloria Victis MMORPG started – without any investor or budget back then – we were able to greatly expand the team and deliver over 320 weekly updates,” the studio says of its early access, which added everything from animal breeding and guild tech to improved combat and the UI. “Now we’re pleased to announce we’re finally closing to the release of version 1.0!”
Before that happens, the team is heads-down working on several specific milestones, including the world reshape and guild sieges.
“We are continuing our work on the two biggest milestones that we need to achieve to release the 1.0 version of the game and leave Early Access – Reshaping the game world, and changes to Guild locations and SoWs. Those tasks require a lot of commitment and are quite complex, but we can already tell that we are on a final stretch, so it should take us around one month to finish the new map. In the meantime, you can expect more SFXes, new minigames, an updated Stable window, and a Special system for breeding and managing farm animals! The next big task will be significant changes to the approach to Guild Content and State of War Sieges, as we already forecasted that we are planning to give a possibility to have a guild location for all guilds.”
A third milestone – “extending the feature of cross-server events” – is included in the press release but not the Steam post. The dev video is below.