So let’s assume for the sake of argument that you decided not to purchase World of Warcraft: Shadowlands when it came out, and following the news has made this increasingly seem like it was entirely the correct option. That’s fair. But now Blizzard is actually just going to give you Shadowlands, complete with a character level boost. Yes, it’s a new promotion just tossing everyone the expansion through September 5th.
Fortunately for those who are interested, it’s not a complex process to get the free expansion; you just need to load up the Battle.net launcher before September 5th and have at least one expansion previously applied to the game. Everyone eligible can then simply claim the base version of the expansion for free; people who did previously purchase the expansion don’t get anything from this particular promo.
None of this does much to address the overall community reception of Shadowlands, of course, and it sure does look like a cheap way for Blizzard to count a whole bunch of new MAUs, but at least if you’re still curious about Dragonflight, you get an expansion and a character boost for free.