In celebration of the launch of Guild Wars 2 on Steam this week – not to mention the game’s 10th birthday! – ArenaNet has kindly granted MassivelyOP five codes for the Guild Wars 2 Complete Collection on Steam to dispatch to our readers!
The codes are worth $99.97 and include the Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, and End of Dragons expansions as well as all five seasons of living world content (yes, Icebrood Saga too). Codes will work in all regions with Steam support, though we stress that these keys will not work anywhere but Steam, meaning you can’t attach them to your existing non-Steam Guild Wars 2 account, though of course you could simply start a new account on Steam. Read on to enter!
For this giveaway, we’ll be using Rafflecopter to count the entries for us. You can earn entries in the giveaway by completing different steps in Rafflecopter; the question field is mandatory, but the other steps are optional and result in more entries. Rafflecopter uses javascript, so you’ll need to enable it to see the entry widget below:
Five winners selected at random from the total of entries submitted to Rafflecopter will be contacted via email by Massively Overpowered to receive the digital code as outlined above. Entrants are subject to our official contest and giveaway rules; cheaters will be disqualified. Entries will be accepted until the giveaway’s end on Monday, August 29th, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. EDT (midnight Sunday night). We’ll draw and contact the winners by the afternoon of August 30th, so make sure you’ve submitted a working email address in Rafflecopter. Once contacted, the winners must reply to MassivelyOP so that we can dispatch the keys to real live humans. If we receive no response after three calendar days, we’ll contact the next winner in the list until contact is made and all prizes are successfully dispatched.
Good luck and have fun everyone!