Star Citizen has already made it clear that alpha 3.20 will be mostly focused on updating the long-suffering Arena Commander module, and now devs at CIG have put together the first of two new videos that better illustrates what is being updated.
This new video is effectively a follow-up to an Inside Star Citizen episode from February with more targeted looks at work that has been done to Arena Commander since. This includes a significantly more direct and condensed starting menu, which also features more options to join friends or change ships and loadouts; the start of support for multi-crew ships and gameplay; new racing and combat maps, many of which are lifted from the PU; a final boss wave in Pirate Swarm mode; and a 1v1 duel mode.
The updates to Arena Commander are being touted as a way for players to practice flying and combat gameplay without risking loss while also offering a way for CIG to test new things and planned PU changes. This first look at what’s on deck awaits below; it’s another jangling of shiny keys from CIG while players continue to raise concerns over price hikes for internet spaceships and Squadron 42 – with one such player’s account reportedly being nuked by the studio for asking why.