Remember when we supposed that the new class for Tarisland was a druid? Well, not exactly, unless of course you subscribe to the D&D Circle of Spores tabletop class build. No, the new class for the MMORPG is the Phantom Necromancer, a caster that specializes in ranged damage and healing. Both of which appear to be managed with a lantern full of spooky ghosts and moths.
The Phantom Necromancer (or Madame Spookylight as I now call her) is the second of the two classes that will be in the November 15th closed beta alongside the not-a-Rogue Shadow Swordsman. Other features for the forthcoming beta include a new 10-player raid, PvP content including three new instances and a new rank system, and the promise of “several optimizations to the PvE, PvP, and crafting skill systems” that have come from feedback gathered from previous tests.
The test itself isn’t live yet, but Tencent’s Level Infinite says that those who are added to this second closed beta can pre-download the build now, so invitations are likely going to begin arriving to inboxes very soon. For now, why not stop staring at your email and look at Madame Spookylight in action instead?