Following a worrying bit of silence and slower development on Neverwinter’s front, it’s certainly good to see that a huge module is heading our way next week. Currently, Adventures in Wildspace is scheduled for April 23rd, which doesn’t give you much time to catch up on all of the changes and additions that’s packed into this patch.
To help you prepare, Cryptic’s been pumping out little informational blog posts, starting with an overview of the eight new heroic encounters that are coming with the update. If you need a distraction from those, you can shove your way into the Imperial Citadel dungeon for “the final battle of the Light of Xaryxis storyline.”
But don’t fret about the increased challenge, for Cryptic’s making it so that you’ll be bringing more power to bear thanks to a new enchantment rank: “Starting with the launch of Adventures in Wildspace, players will be able to achieve a brand new rank for their enchantments, Celestial. This rank will be higher than the current max rank, Mythic, and will raise your item level by another 300, with proportionate stats.”