World of Warcraft readies The War Within’s Season 1 while WoW Classic tests Rage of the Firelands

Plus esports tournament news


Despite what that goofy demon hunter once said, Blizzard does want you to be prepared for everything that’s happening in the World of Warcraft ecosystem this month.

The War Within’s Season One kicks off next week on September 10th, marking the start of serious progression on various tracks. There’s the option to engage in the new eight-boss Nerub-Ar Palace raid, jump into mythic difficulty dungeons, rank up in PvP battlegrounds, or go through the new solo delve system to get your gear.

With Season One also comes the Arena World Championship (AWC) and the Mythic Dungeon International (MDI). These esports tournaments will roll out over the fall with hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money waiting for the best-of-the-best.

Over in WoW Classic, testing has commenced for Patch 4.4.1: Rage of the Firelands: “This patch includes the Elemental Bonds questline, the legendary staff Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest, and a few minor guild updates.” The studio teased that it’s “planning some increased challenge difficulty options and rewards for dungeons” but declined to give specifics at present.

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