The beta for early access tiny MMO Book of Travels preps a patch with a handful of bug fixes


Around MOP, we’re still a bit sad that Book of Travels didn’t really take off. It was a unique low-combat “tiny MMO” from Might and Delight that scored a successful Kickstarter and then made it to early access, but that early access was a bit of a mess, which was followed by the layoff of 25 of the studio’s 35 devs in 2021 and then a hard stop on content development as the remaining devs shored up the game’s technical problems. Last year, the devs actually managed to push out a full overhaul of the combat system, and while the Steam page has been pretty quiet, the devs have been tweaking behind the scenes.

“We are glad to let you know that a new Book of Travels patch is in the making with focus on community requests regarding bug fixes,” the studio posted in its newsletter this week. “The patch is currently live on the Beta server and we would appreciate your help with testing and feedback immensely.” Players can access the beta through the Properties/Beta tab for the game on Steam, then enter the BetaShore2022 password.

But to find the patch notes, you’ll have to dig into the company’s Discord; the updates are to reagent volume, knots, trader inventory, screen blur in combat, skill casting, and other bug fixes. It’s really not going to amaze and astonish.

We popped by the game’s Reddit to gauge the general vibe, and it’s not exactly positive, as most folks are discouraged by the lack of meaningful updates in the last couple of years and believe that it will never leave early access or receive promised content. I mentioned upfront that we were still sad about the game, right?

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