Whatever happened to Bless Unleashed’s PC version?


“Hey, yeah, I remember Bless Unleashed! Wasn’t that a bit of a mess,” we hear you presumably say. And yes, it kind of was: The MMORPG first released in 2018 as Bless Online only to sunset a year later, then got resurrected in 2020 as a console version known as Bless Unleashed followed by a PC version in 2021. There followed yet more disaster as a publisher handover to Valofe cut the MMO’s content cadence to the bone that ultimately saw the console version sunsetted in 2022. Meanwhile, the PC version has lived on, most notably promising play-to-earn blockchain integration that never materialized – and was tacitly ignored by Valofe.

So, whatever happened to this MMO? In two words, maintenance mode: Valofe has kept the server lights blinking all the way up to this year, with updates that mostly appear to focus on keeping maintenance running, releasing battle passes, and otherwise engaging some small events, the most recent of which being a hot time event in the first weekend this March. And no, there is still little mention of its previous blockchain ambitions.

While overall user reviews on Steam sit at “mixed,” the most recent reviews actually grant the game a “mostly positive” score, though those 38 reviews fall well short of the initial over 30K reviews. As for its Steam concurrency, that has obviously tailed off since its highest point in August 2021, yet it’s still maintaining a steady group of over 300 players regardless – and remember that Valofe also has its own games launcher. And so along it floats.

sources: Steam (1, 2), SteamDB
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