The Elder Scrolls Online starts up its week-long Cyrodiil Champions PvP test


Adventurers of The Elder Scrolls Online, the nation of Cyrodiil needs you! Wait, is Cyrodiil a nation or a region? I searched on my phone, but it auto-corrected to “cyclotron,” so that’s definitely not right. [It’s kind of both? More like the capital province and its surrounds. It’s complicated. -Eds] Either way, the developers had announced it was happening earlier, and now it has begun: a full test of the Cyrodiil Champions PvP revamp meant to alter the mechanics of the game’s open-world PvP region. If you want to see what the future of fighting in the open world will be, this… isn’t totally that, but it is certainly a big part of it!

Players who queue up via the Alliance War interface will load in and be given an auto-prepared template of equipment and abilities based upon their classes, with the caveats being that this is still a fairly early test and players can only take rewards like gold and experience/alliance points out of the zone. Still, if you want to make sure there are no bugs or just want practice ahead of further development, your time has begun. If you would prefer not to take part, just wait until March 31st, as that’s when the test ends.

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