When my husband and I went back to Guild Wars 2 for Janthir Wilds a few weeks ago, he booted up the game for the first time in a while and sat back in his chair and marveled, not for the first time, that Guild Wars 2 really just does not have downtime, even on a major expansion launch. The patch just… becomes live and invites everyone to log back out and get it. And then everyone continues on. It’s seamless.
It really is a technical marvel, and it’s in an MMO that launched 12 years ago. It’s not brand-new! This is clearly doable and achievable even by older MMOs. And yet nobody really talks about this or tries to duplicate it.
Let’s talk up some of these low-key marvels that nobody is talking about. What are some quietly impressive things about your favorite MMORPG, the stuff the devs don’t shout from the rooftops but still make a huge difference in gameplay?