
Hands-on, first impressions, and preview coverage. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Fight or Kite: Guild Wars 2’s Bladesworn, Catalyst, and Vindicator walk into an arena…

No, there’s no joke there. I just wanted to know if anyone actually saw this happen during the Guild Wars 2 beta test a...

Guild Wars 2 teases what looks like the Thief’s End of Dragons elite spec

Alright everyone, got your guessing hats on? Because Guild Wars 2 is at it again with the start of another set of elite specialization...

Fractured Veil drums up hype for 2022 early access with a new trailer

You'd be forgiven for thinking that kicking out a sizzle reel for a game that's hitting early access next year is a bit like...

SMITE brings Cliodnha Queen of the Banshees on October 19, dates digital Hi-Rez Showcase for January 6

What better way to celebrate the month of October than bringing a seasonally appropriate addition to the roster of SMITE? This coming Tuesday, October...

EverQuest II teases its upcoming Nights of the Dead Halloween event, now on PTS

It's almost Halloween time in EverQuest II, but before that the 2021 edition of the Nights of the Dead event has to go through...
Now let's fewer of you fight.

Crowfall tests 7.2 new player onboarding, outlines 7.3 update focus on smaller PvP content

The patches will keep on rolling in Crowfall, which isn't exactly news, but the content of those patches are what's news and are generally...

PUBG is adding Halloween decorations to Erangel and the ability to carry teammates and enemies in October

No, we don't mean "carry" in the sense that your sole performance is the thing that makes your entire team win a match in...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Deadlands DLC launches November 1 on PC, hits 19M players

During its big reveal stream this afternoon, ZeniMax Online took the wraps off off multiple content and event additions for The Elder Scrolls Online...

Path of Exile will detail its Scourge expansion during an October 14 livestream

It's time to feel the Scourge in Path of Exile. Or it will be later this month as the ARPG's next expansion is coming...

Star Citizen shows off its initial bombing gameplay and highlights alpha 3.15’s feature set

Star Citizen is learning to love the bomb in the final episode of Inside Star Citizen for this quarter as it leads off with...
Which hand is my hand?!

Interview: Cryptic untangles Neverwinter’s new battle pass experiment

Earlier this month, we learned that Cryptic is planning a multi-tiered battle pass for Neverwinter. Echoes of Prophecy will serve as the content campaign...
Cackle cackle scheme sneer.

Diablo II: Resurrected updates players waiting for the game’s ranked ladder system

Looking forward to proving yourself the very best of the best in Diablo II: Resurrected? You'll be waiting a little while longer according to the...

Lord of the Rings Online explains legendary item revamp and conversion method

Does it seem fair that your average Lord of the Rings Online goblin, who can barely afford a rusty tin axe on his weekly...

EVE Online begins testing a new deployable that summons rogue drone swarms

The Researching the Rogues event in EVE Online looks to be expanded into a regular form of gameplay for capital-class ships in the game...
Cutty time

Blizzard is launching new WoW Classic fresh-start servers for its ‘Season of Mastery’

On a previous MassivelyOP Podcast, we joked about whether WoW Classic needed its own Classic version. Apparently, that's not too far off from what...
Reap what you sow.

Final Fantasy XIV recaps the many system changes revealed in the latest live letter

Let's not mince words, there was a lot of information in the most recent letter from the producer for Final Fantasy XIV. Like, a...
Temmie get money for college

Temtem eyes a full release sometime next year but exercises caution ‘in case the world implodes once again’

It's been a while since we checked in on Temtem, the creature collecting MMO that's been in early access since January of last year...

Habbo Hotel developer Sulake enters the blockchain racket with the release of Habbo avatar NFTs

Like it or not, gaming and blockchain nonsense is only going to keep on keeping on, apparently. How do we know? Because Habbo Hotel...
Now we're gundagood.

Lord of the Rings Online opens Bullroarer again to test Brawler and LI changes

So, Lord of the Rings Online's Fate of Gundabad has a launch date. It has preorders. It has a full executive summary of content....
Welcome to funky town.

Final Fantasy XIV details the changes coming to high-quality items in patch 6.0

Crafting in Final Fantasy XIV is going to change a fair bit when Endwalker arrives, but maybe you missed the most recent live letter and were...