
We do our best to confirm rumors before we publish them. Heed the caveats and have fun speculating! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Don't call me Kyle right now.

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic datamining reveals group finder and collector’s edition perks

Is the beta for the first WoW Classic expansion live yet? Yes! Really, people can log in and try out The Burning Crusade all over again....

Rumor: Sony is getting rid of the PlayStation 3, PSP, and Vita stores this year

If there are digital games you've always wanted to get for your now-older PlayStation 3... now might be the right time to do it....

Discord is rumored to be in negotiations for a potential $10 billion sale to Microsoft

Remember when Discord servers weren't basically the foundation of every single video game community online? Those were good times. It also meant that people...

New test strings hint that The Burning Crusade Classic may be arriving as soon as May 18

The machinery behind the scenes at Blizzard is moving fast on the classic version of the first World of Warcraft expansion, The Burning Crusade, and there's...
If you look to your left, you will see a sad person.

Leaked internal email suggests that The Burning Crusade Classic will be in beta testing this month

If you can't wait to go through the Dark Portal in WoW Classic, you can take heart that you may not be waiting all that...
Popcorn appropriately.

Blizzard puts out new job calls for unannounced multiplayer projects

We're back with another bit of pondering and theorycrafting spawned by game dev job postings. This time we're looking at Blizzard's careers site, which...

Guild Wars 2 artist’s portfolio shows apparent artwork of ArenaNet’s UE4 and mobile game projects

ArenaNet is the studio that makes Guild Wars 2, but readers will also know that the company's had more than a few other game...

Blizzard is definitely working on a Warcraft mobile game, studio artist says

2020's deficiencies have continued to spill into 2021, so we'll let it slide if you've forgotten that just two and a half weeks ago,...

Dungeons and Dragons Online’s mysterious ‘2’ image raises sequel speculation

Bill, strange things are afoot at the Circle K. As Dungeons and Dragons Online gets ready to kick off its 15th anniversary this week,...

Genshin Impact will reportedly get a crossover promotion with KFC in China

KFC has its fingers in a lot of weird things, whether it's visual novels, gaming PC creation, or attempts to hawk its product via...

World of Warcraft’s BlizzConline press kit leaks confirm patch 9.1 and Burning Crusade Classic

Well, that'd be a whoops from Blizzard: It turns out that World of Warcraft's press kits for the reveals at BlizzConline 2021 have been...
a dorf

Rumor: Blizzard may be testing Diablo IV and Diablo Immortal soon

By tomorrow evening's BlizzConline keynote address, we'll have a lot better idea what Blizzard has in store for its various properties. Until then, we're...
Keanu, why.

CDPR denies alleged anonymous dev’s account of Cyberpunk 2077 mismanagement and cut content

If you've been following the ongoing drama surrounding CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077, you've probably seen or at least seen references to a...

Rumor: The Burning Crusade expansion is arriving to WoW Classic in early May, beta in mid-February

Got your grains of salt at the ready? Tinfoil tricorns fashionably formed and atop your heads? Very good, then let's hop into the rumor...

Mysterious letters and coins tease the Elder Scrolls Online’s Oblivion chapter

This morning, mysterious parcels began to show up within The Elder Scrolls Online community hinting at details of the next major chapter release, which...
dot horse

Would you watch a TV show based on The Elder Scrolls franchise?

We already knew that the Fallout franchise was supposedly getting a full show treatment, but wholly unsubstantiated rumors this week suggest that Netflix might...
Really studying the heck out of a skull.

World of Warcraft: Classic is surveying players about rolling out The Burning Crusade

The rumors about The Burning Crusade coming to World of Warcraft: Classic were at once rather obvious and also seem all but certain at this point....

Rumor: Nexon’s Final Fantasy XI mobile remake has been cancelled

It looks as if the sun has finally set on the never-materialized mobile remake of Final Fantasy XI, as Korean site MTN is reporting that...

We’re years away from an open beta for Amazon’s new Lord of the Rings MMO

How far away is the next Lord of the Rings MMORPG? Years, fam, so get comfy where you are. The news comes via Wccftech, which...
All over again.

WoW Factor: A wild theory for World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands

I don't have quite as much as I would have expected to say about Shadowlands so close to its launch. Part of that is, of...