
“ARPG” stands for “action roleplaying game.”

Now, the real question is whether this is a Gary Jules reference or a Tears For Fears reference.

Mad World draws names and offers instructions for its upcoming closed beta test

Were you among those who registered your name for the closed beta test of Mad World? If so then this news is for you,...

Not So Massively: Enduring Space Punks’ sensory onslaught

I've been meaning to check out Space Punks, the new isometric shooter from developer Flying Wild Hog and publisher Jagex, since it launched its...

Not So Massively: First impressions of Diablo Immortal on PC

There was a time when the release of a new Diablo game might have been a big deal for me. But I've never been...

Space Punks goes free-to-play and hits open beta with today’s Cracked One update

Jagex's scoring another win today as it joins developer Flying Wild Hog in pushing Space Punks into open beta. Space Punks is a top-down...

Interview: Lost Ark’s regional parity, genderlocking, and the Amazon-Smilegate collaboration

A few days before the western release of Lost Ark, we posed questions to the Amazon Games team, and franchise lead Soomin Park was...

Edrick’s Conquest is an upcoming ARPG that will let you make your own sharable dungeons

We would dearly like to tell you about this new game called Edrick's Conquest, but as you see, it's only for Edrick. And you're...

Hands-on: Lost Ark is a solid MMO that falls just short of true greatness

After years of waiting, the MMOARPG Lost Ark launches in the west today, at least for those who bought founder's packs. The rest of...

Mad World shares new gameplay trailer ahead of its February 23 alpha 5.0 test

There are a few weeks left before Mad World kicks out its alpha 5.0 test, but players following along the grimdark multiplayer ARPG can...

Not So Massively: Making the case for Dungeon Siege IV

Dungeon Siege is not the biggest name in ARPG field, but the franchise has always been dear to my heart. It's now been more...

Not So Massively: Lost Ark is a promising MMOARPG with a poor first impression

Like many ARPG fans, I have long-awaited the Western release of Smilegate's MMOARPG, Lost Ark. Though the launch has been delayed to next year,...

Minecraft Dungeons announces seasonal content, a battle pass, and Halloween

It's maybe not the biggest update that the multiplayer ARPG Minecraft Dungeons is going to ever see, but it is an update all the...

Not So Massively: Diablo II Resurrected is a lot of old school jank in a pretty wrapper

I admit I debated whether I should write this column at all: After all that's happened lately, giving coverage to Blizzard games doesn't feel...

Not So Massively: Wolcen’s roadmap is missing some important things

In the past, I've been pretty free with my praise for Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem. I've gotten nearly a hundred hours of good fun...

Space Punks is a top-down multiplayer looter shooter that promises a ‘living, breathing, ever-changing game world’

Two things struck me when I was watching the reveal trailer for Space Punks: One, the game basically looks like a Borderlands ARPG; and...

Not So Massively: Magic Legends had all the right ideas and all the wrong choices

This is the worst kind of column to write. Not only am I reporting on the closure of a game, but it's a game...

Not So Massively: Magic Legends has already made big changes, but there’s more to do

Even as someone who enjoys the game, I have to admit that Magic: Legends had a very rough launch, with numerous polish issues and...

Darksburg introduces a new progression system in latest patch, attributes update delays to COVID

If you've been wondering where the co-op rogue-like ARPG Darksburg has been, last week brought some good news as a recent update has arisen...

Not So Massively: Four things I wish I’d known when I started Magic Legends

Inevitably after a couple weeks in a new game, you've learned a few things that you wish you'd known from the start. For me...

The Soapbox: How Magic Legends went wrong with the Dimir Assassin class

Cryptic and Perfect World Entertainment are known for their love of lockboxes as a monetization strategy. Therefore it was not wholly surprising when Magic:...

Not So Massively: Magic Legends is messy, deep, and more of an MMO than you think

I can't remember the last time I struggled so much deciding whether I like a game or not. I'm a fan of ARPGs, and...