
The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming hops into Elyon

In an era of armchair warriors, we bring you Backseat Streamers! Here, Massively OP's Chris and MJ get to take a backseat and watch...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 365: Free Middle-earth

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO's monetization shift, NCsoft's Throne and Liberty, Albion Online, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Elyon, and ArcheAge, with adventures in LOTRO, DDO, WoW Classic, Guild Wars 2, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on SSG support and our favorite MMO zones.

Elyon announces PvP flagging, new classes, new instances, progression system tweaks, and more

This year is apparently going to be bringing a whole bunch of content to Elyon. A video letter from the game's producer discusses new...

Elyon and ArcheAge line up huge releases for the coming months

On Thursday, Kakao hosted an informative livestream in which the studio revealed some major updates coming to both Elyon and ArcheAge in the near...

Kakao is set to unveil its game showcase in today’s livestream

Kakao, the company behind MMORPGs such as Elyon and ArcheAge, is getting ready to unveil a brand-new livestream showcase this week. The studio announced...
I'm sad.

Elyon adds new events and raises the level cap in its latest update

Badges? Elyon thinks you'll need some stinkin' badges! See, the game is giving out badges when completing the Commander's Training Field to celebrate the opening...
Why don't you trust us?

Massively Overthinking: How do alts fit into MMORPGs in 2022?

Last weekend, my play group took a second batch of Guild Wars 2 alts to Cantha, and we found ourselves a bit grumbly about...

Kakao’s Project Ares is a new MMORPG called Ares: Rise of Guardians

Kakao has this week announced yet another MMORPG, this one in partnership with studio SecondDive. According to multiple East Asia-centric gaming sites, the game...

The MOP Up: Ravendawn wraps up ‘epic’ Alpha 4 test

The Ravendawn team reported that it recently wrapped up a successful and "epic" Alpha 4 test. Now all attention is aimed at Alpha 5...

Elyon updates its battle pass and balances classes, announces end of Spanish localization support April 6

Elyon is still online and operating, and is still getting some updates of note. Last week saw new rewards to the 1v1 arena and...

Elyon completes its server merging and kicks off growth events in latest patch

Players of Elyon have known about the server merging that was coming, and right on schedule, yesterday's patch has condensed NA and EU servers...

Krafton and Bluehole announce a partnership to create NFT avatars to sell in a future metaverse

The classic set of questions for journalists, investigators, and general critical thinkers to ask is the Five Ws: who, what, when, where, and why....
Specter of fun.

Elyon details February server merge, patches in Lunar New Year event and season pass

When the server merge happens for Elyon on February 16th, there are oh so many reasons why your character might be deleted. Do you have...
Paws for impact.

MMO Business Roundup: Unionbusting, Kakao, sportswashing, DDOS attacks, plagiarism, and PUBG

Welcome back to another roundup of MMO- and MMO-adjacent industry news. I'm sorry. Raven Software: The internal Activision studio that saw first a strike and...

One Shots: Dutch angle knockout

Despite how movies and TV make it look, knocking someone clean out with a punch isn't actually that easy (although attempting it is a...

Elyon’s weekly patch adds snowman quest, improves clan war matchmaking

Do you want to build a snowman? Well, you can't, but you can participate in Elyon's Snowman's Wish event while humming "In Summer." See,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 356: A long time from now in a galaxy far, far away

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Star Citizen, Black Desert, Elyon, and Neverwinter, with adventures in LOTRO, Crowfall, and Elder Scrolls Online, plus voicemail topics on alienating MMO design choices and new MMO crafting professions.

Elyon adds the archer, balances all classes, and revamps RvR in today’s update

It's go-time for Kakao's Elyon: The Archer class is live with today's update. Readers will recall that Elyon, once called Ascent: Infinite Realm and developed...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 355: All your ships are belong to us

Justin, Colin, and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online, Lost Ark, ArcheAge, Elyon, EVE Online, and Guild Wars 2, with adventures in LOTRO, ESO, and GW2, plus mailbag topics on choice in MMOs and resurrecting Landmark.
Not the problem.

Elyon’s massive January patch arrives tomorrow with the Archer

Elyon fans -- past, present, and potentially future -- have a very good reason to dive into the game this week. Kakao announced that...