online multiplayer
Closers expands group matchmaking, makes Mock Battle weekly, and improves tooltips in new update
Regular players of Closers are likely familiar with the Mock Battle system, a seasonal challenge mode that tasks players with beating down boss monsters...
Dauntless launches the heroic variant of its Radiant Escalation and adds more legendary lantern amps
If you've been carving your way through Dauntless' recently added Radiant Escalation and you're looking for a bigger challenge, then your ship has arrived...
Monster Hunter Rise previews the Sunbreak expansion’s Citadel zone and Garangolm monster
The fact that the Sunbreak expansion of Monster Hunter Rise will have a new area and a new beast to fight is probably not...
Lets Go! Baby! Friends World is a ‘so bad it’s good gem’ where players are babies in a hallucinogenic hellscape
"Always be a baby. Don't ever be a gun." Listening to that song and its irreverence will probably help your brain become malleable enough...
First Impressions: Babylon’s Fall is an unpolished and underwhelming collection of almost good ideas
I'll be perfectly honest: Babylon's Fall was almost never on my radar. A packed few weeks of MMO and multiplayer releases pretty much saw...
Closers releases a quality-of-life patch with content tweaks, footprint effects, and a selfie mode
If your life in Closers felt incomplete because your characters don't leave special effects behind when they move, then you might be heartened by...
Fallout 76 is bringing back the Fasnacht event on February 10
If you've felt like creepy-looking carnival masks were missing from the wasteland of Fallout 76 and have been glum about it, then you can...
Dauntless patches in more island event tweaks and prepares to celebrate Valentine’s Day
It's Love, Slayer Style (cue the theme) as the latest patch for Dauntless is readying itself to celebrate Valentine's Day with the return of...
Plunder Panic is a 6v6 action arcade title where 2-D pirates fight over different objectives
There are two things that immediately caught my interest when I saw the multiplayer arcade title of Plunder Panic cross our news desk: one,...
Dauntless gets seasonal with the return of Frostfall, reworks the frigid Embermane variant, and adds a new cell perk
The winter season has once again come to the world of Dauntless, and while there are hunting grounds that are already coated in snow,...
KEO is a team-based multiplayer vehicular combat title currently available in Steam early access
Out of all of the multiplayer sub-genres out there, the one where cars ride around and try to blow each other up doesn't seem...
Powerwash Simulator introduces six-player online co-op in latest update
Yes, we are seriously printing a news story about Powerwash Simulator. Why? Because the early access game has kicked off a beta for online...
Nevergrind Online is an upcoming cooperative multiplayer title dressed up in classic RPG style
Update: An MOP reader pointed us to the history of this particular solo developer, which appears to involve publicly promoting anti-vax conspiracies (among other...
Dauntless brings back the Thunderdeep Drask, adds new rumors, and hints at the next new Behemoth
It's a bit of the new and a bit of the upcoming in Dauntless news today. In terms of new things, the game has...
The Sabotage is a multiplayer co-op title where one person tries to stop other players from digging up gold
It's time for another deceive-em-up game to hit the collective radar! Allow us to take a moment to nod in the general direction of...
E3 2021: Multiplayer extreme sports playground Riders Republic unveils September 2 release date
Do you recall the multiplayer extreme sports title Riders Republic? This one was first unveiled in September of last year and announced a shift...
Massively on the Go: Everything notable – and potentially multiplayer – from Pokemon Presents
Well Pokemon fans, I'm sure a few of you saw yesterday's Pokemon Presents presentation. While I don't think many people were surprised that a long-rumored remake...
Drone Strike Force brings competitive shooting with combat drones to Steam on August 16
So there's another online competitive shooter on the horizon, which seems pretty routine on the surface. This one, however, features drones, which might have...
Sea of Thieves talks Arena Mode, matchmaking, and player conduct
We've got a pair of Sea of Thieves videos floating about in the internet waters that we've fished out, filleted, and battered and fried...
Latest Dauntless patch brings back Winterhorn Skraev, adds quality-of-life updates, and more
There's a fresh new patch in Dauntless as of yesterday, and while it's not exactly chock-full of big ticket updates, it does have more...