All right. So what do you get when you combine TERA with Devilian? No, not the concepts of those games, the actual games. What do you get when you stick both of them in the same game? Apparently, you get a mobile hack-and-slash title which itself is also named Devilian that has just recently finished its first round of closed beta testing, and a deep and unsettling feeling in the back of your mind that something in the world just doesn’t work right any longer.
You also get a lot of bare midriffs, lingerie worn into battle, and preteen girls in high heels. But you already guessed that.
Steparu was kind enough to provide a bit of video footage from the closed beta, which you can check out past the break. If the game looks like exactly your cup of tea, we’re sad to tell you that there’s no announced launch date at this time. Just keep your eyes open, it will happen. Everything happens. Everything is just plain strange.