We have already dived deep into some of the other aspects of the upcoming update, including the return of a couple of companions and being able to switch factions in the new daily area. However, the important details of the operation have been absent until now.
Fan sites released a handful of videos practically giving everything away. Although they did shy away from speaking about the exact details of the fight with the first god of Iokath called Tyth, we can see the whole veteran-mode fight in Dulfy‘s video. Likewise, SWTOR Central and Kid Lee give their impressions of the battle and Corellian Run, and Bad Feeling Podcast give us a couple of fun trailers. Check out what’s public down below!
Update 5.2: War for Iokath as well as the first boss in the Gods of War operation will launch in just under a week on April 11th. The daily area and story will be open to anyone with a level 70 character, but you will have to be subscribed to participate in the new operation. Stay tuned for our next SWTOR column for more!