If you’ve had a hankering for a multiplayer survival sandbox but want something more elegant than the typical gritty murderfests on offer, take a look at Astroneer. Developer System Era Softworks dubs it “a game of aerospace industry and interplanetary exploration,” and it does include a multiplayer co-op mode, terraforming, vehicles, trade, and crafting.
“Explore and reshape distant worlds! Astroneer is set during a 25th century gold rush where players must explore the frontiers of outer space, risking their lives in harsh environments for the chance of striking it rich. On this adventure, a player’s most useful tool is their ability to shape their world, altering the terrain and extracting valuable resources from planets, and moons. Resources can be traded or crafted into new tools, vehicles, and modules to create everything from massive industrial bases to mobile rover bases.”
The game landed in Steam’s early access program last Christmas but has been steadily patching up; its most recent update is focused on turning the recent overhaul of Astroneer’s research system to make it genuinely fun. It’s still considered in pre-alpha and is currently priced at $19.99, so it’s very much an early access you may want to just add to your wishlist for now. Take a peek at the assets below.