A discussion with my guildies this past holiday weekend illuminated a universal truth for us: We love Elder Scrolls Online but strongly dislike its crafting and economy. I thought I was alone, but even those guildies of mine who muck around with the crafting parts of the game criticize the auction hall situation as well as the pay-to-win craft bag shenanigans.
That led me to consider the field of live MMORPG, not so much for their economies (doesn’t EVE always win those run-offs anyway) but for their crafting specifically. My favorites are long-gone now, as is the winner of last year’s crafting award, in a sad twist of fate. Set aside the economy and trading mechanics and consider crafting specifically, and then set aside games that have sunsetted. Which live MMORPG has the best crafting system? Where should a die-hard crafter set up camp?