Fenix Fire CEO Brian McRae is “not having fun either,” according to his latest dev blog on the Osiris: New Dawn Steam page. His comments are in response to what he characterizes as the “recent negativity in the reviews and forums” regarding the survival sandbox’s messy and experimental early access development, which “breaks [his] heart,” especially when he agrees with the harsh feedback.
“One of the inside jokes in the AAA studios is ‘whatever mode the devs play on is nightmare mode to the general audience’. I think this is totally true for Osiris. We play the game a lot, myself for multiple years. Plus, I know where everything is because I put it there. That said, the last time I played the game I had a similar experience to what I’ve seen in the reviews and forums. I spawned near sunset in a dust storm. The dust storm when on for WAY too long, it’s a bug. Anyway, I made it to the continent and was attacked by 3 crabs, 2 gnats, and a couple more things. I was playing as Ranger and had no hope with my melee weapon (I play 3rd person usually). When I died my character had that weird ragdoll bug and my character turned to a spaghetti mess. Unity’s way of handling these ragdoll errors is to remove the object, meaning my character was not there when I spawned back in so I couldn’t raid my body and get my supplies. I felt lost, frustrated, hopeless. I thought, ‘I see the potential but this is crazy hard and not fun’. Sound familiar?”
“I will not apologize for game design experimentation,” he concludes, inviting more feedback from players. “I will take these lashings and learn from them.”
Source: Steam. Thanks to Mark and Kinya!