What’s Cloud Imperium been up to the last month? Oh nothing much, just frantically trying to prepare Star Citizen’s alpha 3.0 to debut ahead of the holidays – that’s the gist of the studio’s monthly report, anyway. “Since our last report, we’ve gone to Evocati and begun a staggered release to the PTU, so the team’s busy fixing bugs discovered by the testers and working on overall stability and performance,” says the studio.
There’s the usual round of check-ins from the globally scattered studios and several notes about the long-delayed Squadron 42 as the teams work on parsing MoCap data and animations: “Lots of Squadron 42 specific tasks were tackled. [… W]ork ranged from Coil-specific plasma experiments, to mysterious debris clusters, and distant storms brewing.” Indeed, as some teams – like the lighting team – finish their work on 3.0, they’re turning back to S42, and the holiday livestream is set to feature the standalone game prominently as well.
All week, CIG has been rolling out multiple anniversary videos in a mini-series for Around the Verse, the most notable of which heralded the new land claim sales that have some backers and watchers all riled up. We’ve recapped them all below.