EVE Vegas 2018: EVE Echoes, EVE Online’s mobile adaptation, is launching in 2019


When CCP Games started shifting some of its focus to the mobile games market recently, we heard rumblings of a mobile version of EVE Online being developed in conjunction with NetEase codenamed Project Galaxy. Today at EVE Vegas 2018, CCP confirmed that the game is now in full production under the name EVE: Echoes and announced that it will be launching on Android and iOS globally in 2019.

EVE: Echoes promises an “authentic EVE Online experience for mobile devices,” a big claim that will soon be put to the test. Taking one of the deepest and most complex massively multiplayer games on the market and squeezing it into a tiny rectangle in your pocket is no small task, both from a technical standpoint and from a usability perspective. Mobile gamers also typically play in very short bursts, while EVE is best played when you have several hours to engage with it.

EVE: Echoes will feature an expansive map with thousands of star systems and promises EVE style exploration, combat, and trading, but it will be experienced through an interface designed for phones. Familiar ships and sights from EVE Online will be rendered using NetEase Games’ proprietary graphics engine NeoX, and players will form corporations and war over territories just like in EVE. Developers even expect the massive fleet battles that typify EVE Online‘s endgame to be a significant part of EVE: Echoes. The game is set in a separate universe from the main EVE servers and will be available wordwide when it launches at some time in 2019.

Massively Overpowered is on the ground in Las Vegas for EVE Vegas 2018, bringing you expert coverage on EVE Online, Project Nova, and everything else CCP Games has up its sleeve!
Disclosure: In accordance with Massively OP’s ethics policy, we must disclose that CCP paid for our writer’s travel to and accommodation at this event. CCP has neither requested nor been granted any control or influence over our coverage of the event. The best thing about it being a separate server is of course that there are no goons. Yet.
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