Final Fantasy XIV offers greetings for the new year and a real-world wedding package


The new year is here, and as is traditional Final Fantasy XIV’s producer and director Naoki Yoshida offers players a post of celebration and appreciation. He notes that this year marks eight years since he first took over the project, with numerous milestones having been reached despite this year being a non-expansion year for the game. He also reminds players that patch 4.5 launches on January 8th, along with Shadowbringers due later this year in the summer.

And yes, there’s an ominous prophecy to go along with all of this. It’s also part of the tradition now.

Meanwhile, players over in Japan can look forward to taking the game’s wedding system to the next level by having an actual FFXIV-themed wedding in cooperation with the Deuxzero venue. This includes tailored garments meant to emulate the style of the in-game wedding outfit and a fully catered reception, although odds are low that the real-life ceremony will include moogle officiants.

Source: Official Site, Japankyo; thanks to Zulika for the tip!
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